A Week in the Life: Pajamas, Brakes, and Ferret Shenanigans

Good morning, and happy Monday! Or as I like to call it, the day I attempt to piece together what I actually accomplished last week. Spoiler alert: It involved pajamas, brake dust, and a ferret who thinks she’s the queen of everything.

Pajama Planning: The Art of Looking Busy While Being Cozy

Let’s kick things off with a recap of my Sunday Pajama Planning livestream. Yes, you heard that right—planning, in pajamas, on a Sunday. Because who said productivity can’t be paired with extreme comfort? The session was a masterpiece of high-level strategizing, sprinkled with some “Wait, what was I talking about?” moments, and punctuated by the realization that next week’s plan looks eerily similar to last week’s. But if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, right? At least that’s what I tell myself as I shuffle around in my PJs, pretending to have it all together.

Midweek Brake Saga: The Husband, the Tools, and the Expletives

Midweek brought the thrilling adventure of getting the brakes fixed. Well, more accurately, my husband fixed the brakes while I played the crucial role of tool-passer and moral supporter. By “moral supporter,” I mean I stood there, nodding, while he unleashed a symphony of expletives at the stubborn bolts. It’s truly a beautiful thing to witness someone you love wrestle with car parts while you try not to giggle at the absurdity of it all. I’m proud to say I handed over the correct tools 75% of the time. The other 25%? Let’s just say I learned that not all screwdrivers are created equal. But in the end, the brakes got fixed, and my husband only mildly questioned his life choices. Success!

Coworking Streams: Where Productivity and Procrastination Collide

The rest of the week blurred by in a series of coworking streams. Imagine a virtual space where we all show up with the best intentions of being productive, only to spend half the time convincing ourselves that we’re not procrastinating, we’re “researching.” Monday through Friday, I logged in, armed with a to-do list and an alarming amount of coffee. Did I conquer everything? Well, I added several new tabs to my browser and brainstormed some fresh ideas for digital stickers. So let’s just call it a win for creative multitasking, shall we?

Flips: The Ferret Who Runs the House

No week would be complete without the antics of Flips, my special needs ferret and self-proclaimed ruler of the household. She’s a master of getting into places she shouldn’t and then acting like it was all part of her grand plan. Whether it’s redecorating her cage with the precision of a tiny, furry architect or sneakily stealing socks (again), Flips ensures that my life is never dull. I’m pretty sure she’s secretly plotting world domination, but for now, I’ll settle for keeping her out of trouble. Easier said than done, but I love a good challenge!

Art & Digital Stickers: The Creative Chaos Continues

And finally, I dedicated some time to my art and digital stickers. This is where my inner perfectionist and procrastinator have their epic battles. I did manage to get some work done, but I also spent an embarrassing amount of time tweaking things that probably didn’t need tweaking. But hey, creativity is a process, and if that process involves a lot of overthinking and second-guessing, then I’m nailing it!

Wrapping Up

And that’s a wrap on last week! Between Pajama Planning, brake repairs (courtesy of my husband’s colorful language), cleaning, Flips’ escapades, and my ongoing creative endeavors, it’s been a wild ride. Here’s to another week of organized chaos, questionable decisions, and plenty of time spent in pajamas. Because if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that life is always better when you’re wearing your comfiest attire.  Or no pants.  It’s a personal decision.