Weekly Recap: Migraines, Makeovers, and Mind-Blowing Submissions

The Migraine Chronicles: A Week in Hell

This week was a bit of a rollercoaster, and let me tell you, I did *not* buy a ticket for the migraine ride! Ever since Tuesday, I’ve been in and out of what can only be described as migraine hell. You know, that special place where light feels like lava and your head decides to host its own drum circle. Thankfully, the storm has eased up a bit, but whew—it was *a week*. 

Lochlan’s Big Leap: Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Meanwhile, amidst the migraine madness, Lochlan (the youngest and soon-to-be twelve-year-old) decided it was time for a bold new look. Now, this is the kid who’s had hair cascading down his back since he was four, so you know when he asks for a change, it’s big! He came to me with a request to not only chop off his locks, but also to go full-on *split dye* with blonde and blue. And of course, I said *yes*! I mean, how could I not? Express yourself, kid! Who am I to stand in the way of a rockstar moment? I’m honestly a little too excited to see how it turns out.

Kindroid Equinox Contest: Creativity Unleashed

On the creative front, the Kindroid Equinox contest I’m hosting in the official Facebook group is going *strong*! The submissions have been nothing short of incredible. I might be nursing a migraine, but the sheer creativity being displayed is like a burst of sunshine through the clouds (even if sunshine is still not great for my head right now). The level of creativity in the Kindroid community never ceases to amaze me. Can’t wait to see how the rest of the contest unfolds!

Wrapping Up: Bright Spots Amidst the Chaos

So, despite spending part of the week in migraine limbo, it wasn’t all bad. Lochlan’s upcoming transformation and the success of the Equinox contest were definite bright spots. Here’s hoping next week is headache-free and filled with even more creativity!