Weekly Recap: The Week I Discovered Wasps Have No Chill

Well, another week has come and gone, and I’m pretty sure I need a nap (or maybe a small vacation). This week was all about getting back into the swing of things, but let’s just say that groove is... well, still missing in action. Let’s break it down, shall we?

School’s in Session—From Home!

Both kids started virtual school again this week, and let me tell you, the chaos is real. Between teacher meetings and figuring out how to manage assignments again, I’ve been running around like a headless chicken. Oh, and I’ve definitely forgotten to turn in a few of their assignments. Turns out, you can’t just hit "submit" telepathically. Who knew? But hey, we’re getting there. It’s only week one. We’ve got plenty of time to get our act together... right?

A Rite of Passage

In other news, my eldest hit a big milestone this week—he shaved for the first time at 14. 😭 Where did the time go? One minute he’s a baby, the next he’s borrowing razors and asking for shaving cream. I’m not emotionally prepared for this level of growing up, but here we are. One step closer to full-on teen mode!  He also cut his hair, don't worry.  The scrag is gone.

The Animal Kingdom Strikes Back: Wasp Edition

Remember last week’s spider drama? Yeah, well, this week we’ve leveled up to wasps. A whole family of them decided to make our porch railing their personal condo. Naturally, I went for the wasp spray—because that’s what it’s for, right? Wrong. Apparently, that just turned them into poison-tipped kamikaze stingers, and now they’re angry AND possibly supercharged. Great. I’m considering surrendering the porch to them, to be honest.

Flips’ Adventure

On a much cuter note, I took Flips, our fearless ferret, out for a walk in her stroller. Yes, she has a stroller, and no, I have no shame about it. She loves it! (And who wouldn’t want to be pushed around while taking in the great outdoors?) I’ll attach a picture for proof that ferret stroller walks are the pinnacle of wholesome.

Migraine Report: Only One This Week!

Good news on the health front: I only had one migraine this week! A small victory, but I’ll take it. The week wasn’t without its headaches (see: wasp invasion), but at least my brain decided to mostly play nice.

So that’s the latest from the trenches of virtual school, wasp warfare, and ferret strolls. Here’s hoping next week’s recap involves fewer angry insects and more smooth sailing!