Weekly Wrap Up: Sunrises, Pony Rides, and Less Terrifying Creatures

Hey friends! Another week has flown by, and let me tell you, it’s been a ride—both literally and figuratively. 😅 Let’s dive in:

A Sunrise to Remember

I don’t know about you, but there’s something about catching the sunrise that makes even the groggiest morning at the gym worth it. 🌅 This week, I was lucky enough to catch an absolutely stunning sunrise as I left my workout. Of course, I had to stop and snap a pic because, well… how could I not? If only every morning could start with a little bit of nature’s magic (and maybe some coffee).

The Grocery Store Shenanigans

In other news, the kiddo found the loudest pony ride in existence. 🐴 You know those kiddie rides that sit in the middle of the grocery store, waiting to lure unsuspecting parents into a moment of peace? Well, we decided to give it a go, but little did we know, this thing was LOUD. Like, "every single head in the store turned to see what on earth was happening" loud. Definitely one of those parent moments where you laugh through the embarrassment. 😂

Coworking Streams & October Madness

On the work front, this week’s coworking streams have all been about prepping for the October madness. We’ve got so many fun events coming up that I can’t wait to share with you all! I’ve been deep in planning mode, and these streams have been so productive—thanks to everyone who’s been joining in! The spooky season content is almost ready. 🎃👻

Birthday Shopping Adventures

I also did a bit of birthday shopping for my youngest, who’s turning TWELVE next week! 🎉 It’s wild how fast time flies—wasn’t it just yesterday that we were planning his first birthday party? Now, we’re out here navigating the tween years. Wish me luck, folks. 😅

Creature Feature: Ladybug Edition

And finally, this week’s Creature Feature is brought to you by… a ladybug! 🐞 Unlike last week's terrifying encounters with a fat spider and a wasp army (seriously, why do these creatures exist?), the ladybug is a much more chill guest. Harmless, cute, and apparently a bringer of good luck, which we could all use.

That’s the scoop for this week, friends. Thanks for sticking around, and I’ll see you in the next post—hopefully with fewer grocery store stares and more peaceful sunrises!